Scholarly Articles

Nota bene: a number of the articles listed below are available for download here

Book Introductions
“Through the Looking Glass:  The Subversion of the Modernist Doxa.”  Introduction to Jacques Rancière.  Mute Speech.  Trans. James Swenson.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 2011, p. 1-28.

Scholarly Articles
Imperialist Propaganda and the Ideology of the Western Left Intelligentsia: From Anticommunism and Identity Politics to Democratic Illusions and Fascism,” interview by Zhao Dingqi. Monthly Review (December 1, 2023). Translated into French, Turkish, Chinese (a Spanish translation of one excerpt is also available).

The Myth of 1968 Thought and the French Intelligentsia: Historical Commodity Fetishism and Ideological Rollback.” Monthly Review (June 1, 2023). Partially translated into Spanish.

“Toward a Compositional Model of Ideology: Materialism, Aesthetics and Social Imaginaries.” Co-authored with Jennifer Ponce de León. Philosophy Today 64:1 (winter 2020).

“Foucault, Genealogy, Counter-History.” Theory & Event 23:1 (January 2020): 85-119.

“Temporal Economies and the Prison of the Present: From the Crisis of the Now to Liberation Time.” Diacritics 47:1 (2019): 16-29.

“La Différence est-elle une valeur en soi ? Critique d’une axiologie métaphilosophique.” Symposium 17:1 (spring 2013):  250-272.

Abbreviated version printed in Penser la reconnaissance, entre théorie critique et philosophie française contemporaine.  Eds. Miriam Bankovsky and Alice Le Goff.  Paris:  Les Editions CNRS ALPHA, 2012.

Comment penser le temps présent? De l’ontologie de l’actualité à l’ontologie sans l’être.”  Rue Descartes 75 (2012/3):  114-126.

“Rancière’s Productive Contradictions:  From the Politics of Aesthetics to the Social Politicity of Artistic Practices.”  Symposium 15:2 (fall 2011):  28-56.

Reprint in Entre nós e as palavras: a filosofia contra o consenso.  Eds. Vanessa Brito et alii, forthcoming.

“Modernism as a Misnomer:  Godard’s Archeology of the Image.”  Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, Vol. XVIII, No. 2 (2010):  107-129.

“Le Débat sur le temps présent. Analyse des coordonnées conceptuelles de la controverse postmoderne.”  Symposium 12:1 (Spring 2008):  126-145.

Le Droit de la philosophie et les faits de l’histoire: Foucault, Derrida, Descartes.”  Le Portique.  E-portique 5 –Recherches (December 2007).

“Vers une critique historique de l’imaginaire politique contemporain en France.”  L’Homme et la société:  Revue internationale de recherches et de synthèses en sciences sociales 159 (janvier-mars 2007):  191-198.

“L’Ecriture de l’histoire philosophique:  L’Eternel retour du même et de l’autre chez Lévinas.”  Philosophie 87 (fall 2005):  59-77.

“The Silent Revolution.”  SubStance:  A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism (special issue on Jacques Rancière) 103, 33:1 (2004):  54-76.

“The Dissimulation of Law and Power:  Michel Foucault.”  Philosophy Today 46:4 (Winter 2002):  339-355.

Chapters in Books
Critical and Revolutionary Theory.” Domination and Emancipation: Remaking Critique. Ed. Daniel Benson. London: Roman & Littlefield International, 2021.

“Domination and Emancipation in the Current Conjuncture.” Co-authored with Daniel Benson and Philippe Corcuff. Domination and Emancipation: Remaking Critique. Ed. Daniel Benson. London: Roman & Littlefield International, 2021.

“Whitman’s Polyvocal Poetic Revolution: Equality and Empire in New World Literature.”
American Literature as World Literature. Ed. J. R. Di Leo. London: Bloomsbury, 2017.

“Contre-histoire de la technologie.  Vers une écologie des pratiques technologiques.”  Écologies sociales: Le souci du commun. Eds. Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Bernard Reber.  Paris:  Editions Parangon, series “Situations & critiques,” 2014.

“The Forgotten Political Art par excellence? Architecture, Design and the Social Sculpting of the Body Politic.”  The Missed Encounter of Radical Philosophy with Architecture.  Ed. Nadir Lahiji.  London:  Bloomsbury, 2014, p. 19-33.

“Critique de la doxa moderniste:  Pertinence contemporaine et limites méthodologiques.”  L’actualité de Georg Lukács. Eds. Pierre Rusch and Ádám Takács. Paris: Archives Karéline, 2013, p. 111-133.

Hungarian translation: “Lukács és a modernista doxa kritikájaJelenkori jelentőségés módszertani korlátok.” Lukács György gondolkodása – jelenkori perspektívából. Eds. Pierre Rusch and Ádám Takács. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 2013, p. 113-137.

“Critical Reflections on the Ontological Illusion: Rethinking the Relation between Art and Politics.” Thinking – Resisting – Reading the Political.  Eds. Anneka Esch-van Kan, Stephan Packard and Philipp Schulte. Zürich-Berlin:  Diaphanes, 2013, p. 311-323.

Korean translation:  In the Wake of 2013 (catalogue for the 2011 IWA Biennale). Incheon, South Korea:  IWAB Organizing Committee, 2011, p. 224-229.

“Recent Developments in Aesthetics:  Badiou, Rancière and Their Interlocutors.”  The History of Continental Philosophy.  Ed. A. Schrift.  Vol. 8.  Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy.  Ed. T. May. Durham:  Acumen Press, 2011, p. 31-48.

“Un spectre hante le concept de mondialisation.” Technologies de contrôle dans la mondialisation:  Enjeux politiques, éthiques et esthétiques.  Eds. Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Gabriel Rockhill.  Paris:  Editions Kimé, 2009, p. 81-105.

English translation by Emily Rockhill:  “A Specter Is Haunting Globalization” in Cognitive Architecture:  From Bio-politics to Noo-politics.  Eds. Deborah Hauptmann and Warren Neidich.  Rotterdam:  010 Publishers, 2010, p. 470-487.

“The Politics of Aesthetics:  Political History and the Hermeneutics of Art.”  Jacques Rancière:  History, Politics, Aesthetics.  Eds. Gabriel Rockhill and Philip Watts. Durham, North Carolina:  Duke University Press, 2009, p. 195-215.

“La Démocratie dans l’histoire des cultures politiques.” Jacques Rancière ou la politique à l’œuvre.  Eds. Jérôme Game and Aliocha Lasowski.  Paris:  Editions Archives Contemporaines, Collection “Centre d’Etudes Poétiques,” 2009, p. 55-71.

“Le Cinéma n’est jamais né.”  Le milieu des appareils. Ed. Jean-Louis Déotte.  Paris:  L’Harmattan, 2009, p. 187-211 (also available in the online journal Appareil 1 (2008)).

“Démocratie moderne et révolution esthétique. Quelques réflexions sur la causalité historique.”  La philosophie déplacée:  Autour de Jacques Rancière.  Eds. Laurence Cornu and Patrice Vermeren.  Actes du Colloque du Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle.  Paris:  Horlieu Editions, 2006, p. 335-349.

English translation by Sabine Aoun and Sean Bray:  “Modern Democracy and Aesthetic Revolution: Reflections on Historical Causality.” Architecture against the Post-Political.  Ed. Nadir Lahiji.  New York:  Routledge, 2014, p. 31-40.

“L’Histoire politique des images.”  Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari et le politique.  Eds. Manola Antonioli, Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Hervé Regnauld.  Paris:  Editions du Sandre, 2006, p. 197-212.

“Materialist Deconstruction, Anticolonial Geographies, and the Limits of Genealogy: An Interview on Counter-History of the Present” (interview conducted by J. Ponce de León). Philosophy Today, forthcoming.

Pulling the Emergency Break on Critical Theory in Retreat: Interview with Gabriel Rockhill.” The Critical Theory Workshop Blog at Jindal Global University, February 6, 2016.

Alternative Economies of Art and Politics: An Interview with Gabriel Rockhill and Nato Thompson” (interview conducted by Avi Alpert). Public Books, September 15, 2014.

Critical Leverage in the Current Conjuncture:  A Dialogue with Gabriel Rockhill Concerning Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique”  (Interview conducted by Summer Renault-Steele).  Phaenex:  Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 7, no. 1 (spring/summer 2012):  347-364.

Interview on the activities of the Machete Group and our contribution to the exhibit “Shoot the Moon” at 1419 Gallery in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Interviews Conducted
“Architecture’s Theoretical Death: Gabriel Rockhill and Nadir Lahiji in Conversation with Slovenian Philosopher Mladen Dolar.” The Missed Encounter of Radical Philosophy with Architecture.  Ed. Nadir Lahiji.  London:  Bloomsbury, 2014, p. 223-233.

For a Comprehensive Sociology of Artistic Imaginaries (Interview with Nathalie Heinich).”  Machete 2:1 and 2:2 (October and November 2010).

In collaboration with Alexi Kukuljevic and Charles Prusik. “When Theory Meets Practice:  All Palestine, All the Time (Interview with Norman Finkelstein).”  Machete 1:7 (April 2010).

In collaboration with Alexi Kukuljevic. “Farewell to Artistic and Political Impotence (Interview with Jacques Rancière).”  Published in two installments in Machete 1:2 and 1:3 (Nov. and Dec. 2009).

Reprinted in Jacques Rancière.  The Politics of Aesthetics.  Ed. and Trans. Gabriel Rockhill.  London:  Bloomsbury, 2013, p. 77-81.

Interview with Nancy Fraser, in collaboration with Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  “La justice mondiale et le renouveau de la tradition de la théorie critique.”  La revue internationale des livres et des idées 10 (March-April 2009):  38-43.

Reprinted in Penser à gauche:  Figures de la pensée critique aujourd’hui, Paris, Editions Amsterdam, 2011, p. 237-252.

English version: Eurozine (April 2009) and Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique:  Dialogues.  Eds. Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 2011.

Swedish translation:  Arena 6 (December 2009):  20-25.

“Un prisonnier de l’espoir dans la nuit de l’empire américain: Dialogue avec Cornel West.” La revue internationale des livres et des idées 9 (January-February 2009):  23-28.

English version:  Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique:  Dialogues.  Eds. Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 2011.

In collaboration with Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  “Concrete Universality and Critical Social Theory (Interview with Seyla Benhabib).”  Concordia 51 (spring 2007):  23-41.

English version:  Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique:  Dialogues.  Eds. Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 2011.

In collaboration with Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  “Accounting for a Philosophic Itinerary:  Genealogies of Power and Ethics of Non-Violence (Interview with Judith Butler).”  Concordia 50 (fall 2006):  53-68.

Reprinted in Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique:  Dialogues.  Eds. Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 2011.

“Jacques Rancière. Le Coup double de l’art politisé.”  Lignes 19 (February 2006):  141-164.

Reprinted in Et tant pis pour les gens fatigués:  Entretiens.  Paris:  Editions Amsterdam, 2009.

English translation published in Jacques Rancière.  The Politics of Aesthetics. Ed. and Trans. Gabriel Rockhill.  London:  Continuum Books, 2004.

Articles for Magazines and Encyclopedias
“John Locke:  Traités du gouvernement civil,” “John Locke:  Le droit à la résistance,” “Jean-Jacques Rousseau:  Le Discours sur l’origine,” “Jean-Jacques Rousseau:  Du contrat social,” “Emmanuel Kant:  Essai philosophique sur la paix perpétuelle.”  Le Point (September-October 2008:  Special Issue on Les textes fondamentaux de la pensée politique).

“Jean-Luc Godard” and “Jacques Rancière.”  Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought.  Ed. Christopher John Murray.  New York and London:  Fitzroy Dearborn, 2004.

Book Reviews
Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy (Eds. Tom Sorell and G. A.J. Rogers.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 239) in the Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:4 (October 2007): 678-679.

“L’Image ventriloque.”  Critique 683 (April 2004):  338-40 (on J. Rancière’s Le Destin des images).

“Derrida’s Gift of Death.”  Auslegung:  A Journal of Philosophy 21:1 (Winter / Spring 1996):  80-90.

Cornelius Castoriadis.  “No God, No Caesar, No Tribune!…” (Interview with Daniel Mermet).  Epoché 15:1 (fall 2010):  1-12.

Reprinted in Cornelius Castoriadis.  Postscript on Insignificance:  Dialogues with Cornelius Castoriadis.  Ed. Gabriel Rockhill.  London:  Continuum Books, 2011.