Category Archives: Public Events

Conferencia en Buenos Aires

Me siento profundamente honrado de tener la oportunidad de presentar mi investigación sobre arte y política, así como una visión general del libro del que soy coautor con Jennifer Ponce de León (detalles más abajo).

💥 LUCHA DE CLASES CULTURAL. Ideología, arte y transformación social

Esta presentación ofrecerá una visión general de la investigación conjunta de Jennifer Ponce de León y Gabriel Rockhill sobre estética y política. Comenzará esbozando el modelo composicional de la ideología, que pone en primer plano las dimensiones estéticas de la experiencia ideológica basándose en la conceptualización fundamental de Antonio Gramsci sobre el sentido común (en contraposición al “buen sentido”). A continuación, se examinará más concretamente la ideología burguesa del arte, con especial atención a los problemas inherentes a la obra de algunos de los teóricos del arte más destacados de Occidente (Jacques Rancière, Arthur Danto y Herbert Marcuse). Por último, se planteará la cuestión de cómo desafiar esta ideología burguesa resaltando el lugar central de la cultura en la lucha de clases. A lo largo de este recorrido, se compartirán una serie de ejemplos concretos y tácticas artísticas específicas con el fin de fomentar un diálogo entre teoría y práctica.

“Lucha de clases cultural. Ideología, arte y transformación social”
Con Jennifer Ponce de León y Gabriel Rockhill
Presentan Hernán Borisonik y Florencia Levy
Organizan el @centrocienciaypensamiento y el @centroarteyciencia_unsam

📆 Jueves 7 de marzo de 2024, 17.00 h
🏙️ Edificio Volta (Aula 408, 4° piso, Av. Roque Saénz Peña 832, CABA)
✏️ Actividad gratuita con inscripción previa por

〰️La Dra. JENNIFER PONCE DE LEÓN es profesora en la Universidad de Pennsylvania. Es autora de “Otra estética es posible” (Duke University Press, 2021); directora asociada del Critical Theory Workshop y coeditora de la serie de libros “Anti-Imperialist Marxism” en Iskra Books.

〰️ El Dr. GABRIEL ROCKHILL es filósofo, crítico cultural y activista. Es profesor de filosofía en la Universidad de Villanova; y fundador y director del Critical Theory Workshop. Publicó nueve libros, y numerosos artículos académicos y periodísticos. Su próximo libro, “La guerra intelectual mundial: el marxismo contra la industria imperial de la teoría” será publicado el próximo año por Monthly Review Press.

Online Lecture on Forthcoming Book

The Centre for Marxian Studies at Jadavpur University, in cooperation with the CTW, will host an online lecture by me, with a response by Himani Bannerji, on January 25 at 9 a.m. EST. The talk is entitled “The Imperial Theory Industry & the Compatible Left Intelligentsia.” It will provide a programmatic overview of the book I am completing on the topic, and it will be followed by a discussion with questions from the audience. If you would like to register, please send your full name and reason for attending to:

Interviewed Jacques Pauwels on “Global Class War”

I was very pleased to have the opportunity to interview the great historian and popular educator Jacques Pauwels for Liberation School. The first part of this two-part discussion on “Global Class War” is entitled “From the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution.” Click here to learn more.

Call for Applications: Critical Theory Workshop 2022 Summer Program in Paris and Online

The 14th annual summer program of the Critical Theory Workshop / Atelier de Théorie Critique will take place in Paris, as well as online, from July 4 to July 22, 2022.


The content will be more or less identical, and invited speakers include Radhika Desai*, Georges Gastaud*, Jacques Pauwels*, Jennifer Ponce de León*, Mary Louise Pratt*, Gabriel Rockhill*, and others TBA (* confirmed). Click here for general information about the program, here for details regarding the Paris program, and here for info about the online program.

TV Interview for BIENALSUR Will Air on 12/5/20

“El imaginario dominante dentro de la coyuntura neoliberal es reductivista, determinista, teleológico y trata de convencernos de que la historia es inevitable y que lo único que podemos hacer es seguir las consecuencias… La contra-historia es un intento de transformar metodológicamente nuestras herramientas de comprensión histórica para tener una aprehensión diferente del orden mundial contemporáneo”, dice el filósofo, crítico cultural y activista Gabriel Rockhill (FRA/USA), con quien BIENALSUR inaugura un ciclo de conversaciones íntimas, de puesta en foco de ideas y pensamientos. Rockhill estudió con algunas de las voces más sobresalientes de la filosofía francesa, incluyendo a Derrida, Irigaray, Balibar y Badiou. Es profesor de filosofía en la Universidad de Villanova y director fundador del Critical Theory Workshop y conocido por sus revolucionarios trabajos sobre historia, estética y política publicados en nueve libros y numerosos artículos, una obra cuya primera compilación en español será publicada por la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero en 2021 a través de un número especial de la revista Estudios Curatoriales.


“The dominant imaginary within the neoliberal conjuncture is reductivist, deterministic, teleological and tries to convince us that history is inevitable and that the only thing we can do is to follow the consequences… Counter-history is an attempt to methodologically transform our tools of historical understanding to have a different apprehension of the contemporary world order”, says philosopher, cultural critic and activist Gabriel Rockhill (FRA/USA), with whom BIENALSUR inaugurates a cycle of intimate conversations and focused debatesRockhill studied with some of the leading luminaries of French theory, including Derrida, Irigaray, Balibar and Badiou. He is Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University and Founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop being known for his revolutionary works on history, aesthetics and politics published in nine books and numerous articles, a work whose first compilation in Spanish will be published by UNTREF in 2021 through a special issue of the journal Estudios Curatoriales.

Online Discussion with William I. Robinson about “The Global Police State” 10/24/20

I’m excited to have the opportunity to discuss this extremely important book with the author, William I. Robinson, and Jennifer Ponce de León at 4 p.m. EST on October 24. The discussion will take place online, via the Critical Theory Workshop, and it is free and open to the public. Click here for all of the details.

Course on “Why Marx Matters”

See below for information on an upcoming course, which will be both online from 11/22-11/24 ( and in-person on 11/23 if you are in Philadelphia (

This seminar will elucidate the fundamental tenets of Marx’s philosophy, as well as their importance for understanding and transforming the contemporary world order. It will begin by explaining key concepts like historical materialism, class struggle, alienation, the labor theory of value, ideology and revolution. It will then briefly discuss a few of the important debates in the deep and broad history of Marxism in order to explore some of the ways that Marx’s work has been interpreted and transformed by subsequent generations. Finally, the course will focus in on what Marxist analysis has to contribute to contemporary debates and struggles by demonstrating how it can help us understand phenomena such as the environmental catastrophe, the increasing social inequality of globalization, the carceral state and its relationship to electoral democracy, the military-industrial-academic complex, institutional racism and gender inequality. Although the course will be directed at a lay audience, it will pedagogically build up its analysis in such a way that it will also serve the interests of those with a working knowledge of Marx and Marxism.

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